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Farm animals

Calves Cattle


Wocef is indicated for the treatment of Mastitis caused by sensitive Gram-positive, Gram-negative & anaerobic organisms. Broad spectrum, Fast dissolving. Available in pack of 3gm and 4 gm with WFI.


Wocef 3g
Composite Pack of A & B   
A. Each vial contains :
 Ceftriaxone Sodium I.P. eq. to Ceftriaxone ................... 3 g
B. One ampoule containing
 sterile water for injection I.P. ....................................10 ml

Wocef 4g
Composite Pack of A & B

A. Each vial contains :
 Ceftriaxone Sodium I.P. eq. to Ceftriaxone ................... 4 g
B. One ampoule containing
 sterile water for injection I.P. ................................... 20 ml


Direction for Use

5 - 6 mg / kg BW by Intramuscular or Intravenous route


3 g vial with 10 ml sterile water &
4 g vial with 20 ml sterile water