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Farm animals

Calves Cattle Ovine / Caprine


Endectocide for effective treatment & control of parasites including Liverflukes in Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep & Goat. Available in 10 ml vial with sterile needle.


Each ml contains :

Ivermectin I.P. .............................. 1% w/v
Clorsulon USP ........................... 10% w/v
Benzyl Alcohol I.P. ...................... 1.5% v/v
(as preservative)
Propylene Glycol I.P. .......................... q.s.


Direction for Use

ml / 50 kg BW by S.C. route                                                                
10 ml with disposable
syringe & needle



10 ml vial. Sterile needle is provided with this pack